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Workshop: Vegetated Stormwater Facilities - Virtual


  • Dec 2, 8:00 - 1:30 pm (1/2 hour lunch)

  • Dec 3, 8:00 - 1:30 pm (1/2 hour lunch) and 2:00-5:00 pm

Location: Zoom

Workshop Price: $195

Workshop Description:

This workshop will introduce you to swales, rain gardens, and stormwater planters: how they work and how to maintain them to manage runoff for the long term. Participants will learn about regulatory requirements, such as record-keeping and inspections, and how to evaluate and properly maintain the plants and other components. Expected outcomes include being able to: identify needed tasks when you arrive, efficiently maintain the facility, safely manage weeds without harming water quality, troubleshoot and fix problems, and prepare for and complete an inspection. The intended audience includes landscapers, regulatory inspectors and property managers.

Click here to register!

Professional Credit: Clackamas Community College, 1.3 CEU or 13 PDH, Certificate of Completion will be provided. (OLCB & other credits in process )

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this workshop, students should be able to:

  • Explain the regulatory background on why these facilities are needed.

  • Identify various types of vegetated stormwater facilities and their component parts.

  • Identify commonly used plants that are appropriate for use in these facilities.

  • Develop strategies for successful & safe weed management.

  • Identify problems in a facility and suggest strategies for mitigation.

  • Prepare for and complete a successful inspection.

Instructors: Todd Blossom & Elizabeth Sagmiller (TBD)


Todd Blossom - Todd Blossom has owned and operated Blossom, a full-service landscaping company, since 1999. He is certified in permaculture design and seeks to promote ecological solutions through his work of integrating food, native plants and stormwater management into the landscape. His experience with swales and raingardens is extensive, having worked closely with the City of Portland’s stormwater management program for over 10 years. This involvement includes both installations and maintenance of facilities through the city’s private residence retrofit program, and the Green Street, public right of way program.

Todd also has a particular interest in connecting people with place and has found an opportunity to do this through the landscape and outdoor environment. He is actively engaged in local community organizations including: Ecotrust, Audubon Society, Alberta Main Street, and the East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District.

His commitment to lecturing and teaching on subjects related to sustainable landscaping, permaculture and stormwater management, is directly related to his desire to better serve the community and the people who live there. As part of that commitment, he has also taken steps to build a sustainable model for training his team to connect with the community where they work. And, he is actively looking to build partnerships, and to enhance the diversity of their workforce, while creating job opportunities.

Elizabeth Sagmiller - TBD

This program is offered in partnership with Clackamas Water Environment Services & Clackamas Community College's Water & Environmental Technology program.

Questions? Please e-mail Renee Harber at: